Other ideas I don't hear people talking about much is connecting buyers and sellers. Here, you don't
need to produce any product of your own, you just put up a site and try to connect people trying to sell items with people
looking for that item to buy.
You do so by setting up a website, attracting sellers and make them place their ads, and then attract
buyers of the items. With time, you can charge a fee for placing ads from the sellers.
Though, you have to target a single market. People that want to sell their kitties with people that
want to by kitties, people that want to sell their sport cars with people looking for used sport cars. Targeting matters.
Though these are just examples, put you can use this idea and the tool I'll mention to discover a fresh market and sell to
You can use the Overture tool to find lucrative markets. This is how you should use the tool;
Type in any phrase relating to your field of interests and click the go button. The result will display
number of monthly searches on the phrase and related phrases. If the searches are in a few thousands, then the market is worth
giving a shot.
You should also make some searches on Google, Yahoo! and any other big search engines to have an idea
of how competitive your keywords are. Try and use the keywords with most searches and less competing pages to target your