Internet marketing

RSS and Blog marketing

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RSS marketing

Why most top internet marketing experts aren't talking about this new trend

Internet marketing using the power of blogs.

Since the beginning of the blog and rss, I've always wondered why you don't hear the top internet marketers talking about them, despite them being proven to work well with the search engines time and time again.
I don't mean those self claimed gurus that have been running around helping people abuse this new technology but those that have helped many people make a fortune before anyone heard of blogs and rss. 
So what are they (the gurus) really up to.
Are they still not convinced with this technology?
No, infact don't be surprised to learn that they are even amongst the first to use it. Of course any real expert develops interest and test new techniques as soon as they hear about it. So they probably know the results more than anyone.
Are they keeping these tactics for their paid customers?
We can't know for sure, unless we buy and read their courses.

Last word.
It's a rule of thumb on Internet marketing "don't get left behind." As soon as you learn of something new, give it a try. You could be lucky to make some money before everyone else jumps in.

Internet marketing and website promotion tactics by Aliyu Daku