Internet marketing

Submit to directories

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Submit to directories
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How to submit your site to directories

The first job of your web site is getting listed in the major directories and search engines. Getting listed in search engines isn’t that much of a problem. So your first goal should be getting listed in the directories. Because humans review sites submitted to directories, you have to prepare your site to meet the directory’s standards.

The major directories are Yahoo, the ODP and Looksmart. Other directories that can send you traffic include, Gimpsy, Websavvy, wowsearch, and many more.

In order to get your site listed in the directories, it has to be professionally designed and has to contain useful information. My advice is “keep the design simple and add rich content.” For example, if your web site is about music, add 3-5 or more pages linking with your homepage and discuss artists or different styles of music. If you can’t design a good looking web page then get someone who can.

After you are confident with your design and content, go to each of the directories, read the directory’s submission rules and instructions and then submit your site to the appropriate sub-category.

It takes a few weeks for the submission to be reviewed, so wait for a few weeks, if you don’t start seeing traffic from the directory you submitted to, you could submit your site again. At you can find a list of directories and search engines you can submit to. Make sure you submit to all the search engines together with the directories.

After you are listed in the directories, you will start seeing some traffic from them. To boost the traffic you get from them (especially Yahoo), your site has to meet the ranking algorithm to be displayed at the top when a user searches the directory. Here are some hints on how to rank well.

(1)   Your site’s title should start with an alphabet at the beginning of the alphabets, since some directories rank sites alphabetically. And you shouldn’t let it be obvious to the directory’s editor that you are an alphabet at the top to begin your title in order to achieve a top spot on their listings. Try to make it look like it just happens to be. Avoid title like “a site about dolphins” because your site will end up being listed as “site about dolphins, a.”

(2)   You should include your best keyword in your title.

(3)   Include your best keywords in your description.

(4)   If your keywords are included in the name of the category you submit to, you stand a chance of getting a higher ranking for the keywords in some directories.

(5)   When choosing your URL, having one with your keyword helps a lot.

Since your submissions are reviewed by humans, don't just make a list of keywords as your description or title.


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Internet marketing and website promotion tactics by Aliyu Daku